Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Reading for the Future"

The literacy narrative project I liked the most was at this link:

It was titled "Reading for the Future", and I thought it was the best out of the ones posted. The student excellently creates a video to show his progression and hard work until he graduated high school and made it into college. I would have chosen to make a video to do this as well because a video can incorporate pictures, videos, and music. Overall, the visual was great and the overall purpose of his project was very clear.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ideas for Essay #1

To me, learning math is like learning a foreign language. Math is not only about coming up with the correct answer. Math itself requires understanding terms and methods in order to get the concept that is being taught. Concepts build on each other in math, so if you don't understand one thing, in later chapters you will be even more confused. Like a lot of different topics, math has its own literacy that must be understood in order to succeed. For me, geometry was a difficult class in high school. I had the worst math teacher our school had to offer, and the class was destined for failure. For my literary narrative, my idea was to show my experience sophomore year and how I had to overcome the difficult circumstance and learn the language of geometry. By learning the literacy geometry had to offer, I was able to understand and learn the methods any math class required to learn. I wanted to display this by creating a collage as my visual. I would use different formulas and concepts that gave me trouble along with pictures. I would separate the collage by having the struggle on one side, and the final achievement on the other.