Thursday, October 14, 2010


The readings for homework from both books give great advice on revising. Revising and editing a paper is very important. Once you are ready to write your final draft, the revising stage is extremely necessary and important. From the article "Revision" by Anne Doyle, I learned that revisions involve four things: you can add text, delete text, move text, and substitute text. A lot of what I read about revising I had already known.  In high school english classes, revising was important, and I always revised what I wrote multiple times before handing in the final draft. In writing, you have to find the focus, and ask yourself if your project met the assignment. Revising overall is extremely important and several things are necessary in your writing that you must check for. The essays gives really great and helpful tips to writing and revising, ones I will certainly use.

Friday, October 8, 2010

"A Twisted World"

The article "A Twisted World" by James McMorrow Jr. discusses an accurate portrayal of politics. The article was great; and probably one of the most enjoyable. A world run by celebrities would be a very twisted, but fun and interesting one indeed. As strange as it would be to have Tom Cruise as president, or Oprah as vice president, people in society look up to celebrities as role models. Wherever you go, you hear about what a certain celebrity has done. Celebrities would be extremely popular politicians, and specific celebrities would fit certain offices best. The overall point of McMorrow's article focuses on how like celebrities, politicians are judged far too quickly. Like how McMorrow states, we need to be patient no matter how difficult the times are, and no matter how terrible the politician is. Things could always be worse, and they will get better.