Thursday, October 14, 2010


The readings for homework from both books give great advice on revising. Revising and editing a paper is very important. Once you are ready to write your final draft, the revising stage is extremely necessary and important. From the article "Revision" by Anne Doyle, I learned that revisions involve four things: you can add text, delete text, move text, and substitute text. A lot of what I read about revising I had already known.  In high school english classes, revising was important, and I always revised what I wrote multiple times before handing in the final draft. In writing, you have to find the focus, and ask yourself if your project met the assignment. Revising overall is extremely important and several things are necessary in your writing that you must check for. The essays gives really great and helpful tips to writing and revising, ones I will certainly use.


  1. I completely agree with you. Revising is important. It is good that you revise your drafts, I try to but I will honestly admit, I fail most of the time. It is so hard to revise your own work because you think it's perfect, or find it hard to change or delete a line in fear the reader may need that line to further understand your essay. There are so many reasons as to why it is hard to revise an essay, but I think these readings make it easier to understand how to revise, which will make it easier to actually follow and revise our own work. I hope to follow these guidelines because it's going to be useful in the future, esepcially in the business and "real" world...and of course, English 101 :)

    (hope this made sense...I'm a little to lazy to revise anything I just wrote above..hmmm...I guess that can be considered another reason as to why it is hard to revise our own work: Laziness...)

  2. Welll What i agree with what your saying about revision, but on my end i find it extremely hard to keep writing if i revise while im writing and its alot easier if i do it at the end .Also for some reason i felt as if in highschool the need of revison was not needed as much because they were leaniant (spell check)

  3. I agree with you about how revising is important, but honestly I did not revise much in high school. I am the same as you I knew a lot about how to revise (only i never used it). I agree with Sam. It is hard to revise your own work because you know what you are trying to say so you understand what you wrote. It helps to have a clear view from someone else too. The two readings are like checklist you can just pull out the book and be like yes I did that oh I forgot to do that.

  4. I wish I could revise that much, it is a good stratagey. But i agree with everyone else that it is hard to revise my own work. I always think what I wrote appears fine, until someone else points out my mistakes to me. I usually try to do it in the end so I can read over the whole thing instead of doing it piece by piece because I would just confuse myself.

  5. I agree with what everyone is saying. Revising is important because you could have the best idea for a paper and have amazing structure but when it comes down to it you could have spelled words wrong, forcing the teacher to deduct points from your grade. I almost always revise. The only time I don't is when the teacher says the spelling and grammar don't count which really doesn't happen often.
