Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"I'm Flying"

The ever so famous "I'm Flying" scene from the classic movie Titanic, is one of the many incredible moments from the film. Taking place on the front of the grand and magnificent ship, the cinematography of the scene is beautifully captured with the wind and the sunset as main elements. This peaceful yet alive scene is perfectly and most beautifully captured. Music plays softly in the background, as a haunting yet captivating voice sings. As Jack covers Rose's eyes, helping her up onto the railing, the music reaches it's peak of powerfulness, as Rose is "flying". The elements of the scene take over you, overwhelming you as you can hear the waves, feel the wind, and the sunset looming in the background. The chemistry between actors Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio fit the scene perfectly, and they display their immense love for each other wonderfully. Their performances in this scene, and throughout the movie are excellent oscar worthy, for the actors displayed a wide variety of feelings with such strong emotion. In the scene, Winslet is displayed with beauty and innocence, excellently showing feelings of pure excitement and amazement. Her facial expressions show her wide range of acting. The scene is overall breathtaking, incredible, and perfect.

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