Thursday, February 24, 2011


For class, we had to make Weebly accounts and in doing so, looked at several example websites from students in the past. My favorite of the websites was made by a girl named Grace Lee, who clearly knew how to make a great website. Her site was very easy to navigate, and she got creative with picture links and layout. I really liked the whole creative set up and layout she designed for her website. We learned in class that a good website does not have too much on it, can be easy to navigate, and have color schemes that work together. For Grace, her website has all of this. I read through some of her writings and papers as well, and she is a good writer too! It was interesting to see that both of us are doing the library for our ethnography projects, and her final paper came out really strong. Overall, her website was perfect and I had a positive time going on it. Below is a picture of how the layout she chose for navigating her website.

For future reference, here is her website:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Slide, Roll, Slam

“The sounds of shoes sliding against smooth wood lanes and bowling balls rolling like thunder then slamming against multiple pins rings in my ears.” Slide, Roll, Slam starts off very strong, keeping a great pace throughout, overall being a great piece of writing. Throughout the paper, the author keeps the reader engrossed and interested. The author shows she did a lot of research and observing, and a put a lot of effort into this piece. She observed and examined everything, focusing on the people and the actual bowling alley. Every little detail she has included in this paper. In order to make you feel like you are there, tons of descriptions are necessary. The paper starts by strongly focusing on the people at the bowling alley. You seem to get to actually know the people just by reading the paper. The writer comes to a lot of strong conclusions about the people at the bowling alley, for example: “It seems to me that the teams comprised mostly of older men are bowling to have fun and are the ones that cheer on their team mates.  I get the feeling from watching the men’s behavior that the middle aged and young men that are serious about the game and play to win.  They don’t waste time with a lot of loud cheering. The men on all the teams are good bowlers and it is evident that they have been bowling for a long time.” Just by observing the people at the bowling alley, paying attention to each detail, she was able to make such strong conclusions and assumptions. Other assumptions and connections were made, pulling in bowlers’ interests in wrestling and country music. The writer uses a lot of specific examples to back up what is said, and incorporates a lot of commentary in her writing. The author then transitions from describing the people bowling, to the alley itself. The author described everything she saw, including the main entrance, the concession stand, the arcade, tables, and benches. The piece further goes into detail, for the author has examined speakers, strobe lights, and every sign in the alley and all they information it had on it. All the observations made at the bowling alley was written with such detail, and it is overall a really strong and successful paper.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Library

The Library is well-known as a quiet place where people go to get work and research done. Usually people go in and out throughout the day and spend periods of time inside. The types of people that go in the library range greatly as well. The front of the library contains the circulation desk, a place where you can go to ask the librarians for help or check books out. I used to work at the library in my hometown, and I want to see how it compares to the library here. The librarians that worked at the library in my town are among some of the nicest people I have ever met. They were great to work with, as well as very friendly, quiet, and resourceful. I would like to see what both the library and the librarians are like here on campus. I haven't used the library here on campus yet, so I would like to see if the librarians are as helpful to their patrons as the ones from my hometown. I am sure, since this library is accessible to college students, that the librarians working there must be just as helpful, but that I will have to find out.