Thursday, February 24, 2011


For class, we had to make Weebly accounts and in doing so, looked at several example websites from students in the past. My favorite of the websites was made by a girl named Grace Lee, who clearly knew how to make a great website. Her site was very easy to navigate, and she got creative with picture links and layout. I really liked the whole creative set up and layout she designed for her website. We learned in class that a good website does not have too much on it, can be easy to navigate, and have color schemes that work together. For Grace, her website has all of this. I read through some of her writings and papers as well, and she is a good writer too! It was interesting to see that both of us are doing the library for our ethnography projects, and her final paper came out really strong. Overall, her website was perfect and I had a positive time going on it. Below is a picture of how the layout she chose for navigating her website.

For future reference, here is her website:

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