Thursday, April 28, 2011

Final Student Ethnography Examples

When looking at the three examples of final ethnography projects, my final ethnography contains elements from both Kayla's and Grace's. While the content of Grace's is most like mine, mine looks most like Kayla's. Grace wrote her ethnography on the Newman Library, which is like mine because I did mine on a library as well. The approach she took and conclusions she made were of course different from what I found. The way she set her website up was the best of the three, breaking up her ethnography among pages. It was a very creative way of setting everything up and it is visually appealing. The way Kayla presented her ethnography was similar to how I chose to set mine up. I broke up the information I had wrote using different subheadings. Though she does keep everything on one page like me, she breaks it up using subheadings. This is a very effective way of organizing your final ethnography.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Student Example

I found that Chantelle's student example of the lay of the land paper was very good and enjoyable to read. When going on her portfolio website, the document was in a font very difficult to read, which was a big downfall of her website. But the paper itself was very good. Chantelle's site of the daycare is a great one and would be really fun and exciting to go to and observe. She really made her experience going there come to life and you can really picture what is going on throughout her day there. You can picture the kids and you can feel the energy they give off. She overall does a really strong job at painting the image of what the environment is like at this daycare, as she describes what is around her. It makes me think of when i was in pre-school and the energy that was present while at such a young age really shines through in this essay. You get a sense of Miss Ouellette as the teacher and how she creates this friendly and fun learning environment for the kids. Some of the kids she talks about and even the teacher I can picture in my head and I smile because they are really friendly. It makes me think about how important pre-school, kindergarten, and daycare even are to kids and their childhoods. At that age you learn to interact and be social, as well as have fun. Choosing this for her site was a really great choice for Chantelle and I'm sure it is something she enjoys working on and going to observe. Her final paper will probably be very enjoyable to read. I also thought it was a wise idea that she included some pictures of the daycare at the top - the white building she described where she "couldn't be at the right place" and the inside itself. Overall it is really good work!

Her website:

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Conducting Interviews

From the readings for homework this week, I learned a lot about how to conduct an interview. I personally haven't needed to conduct an interview before, so I am not sure quite what to expect, what to ask, or how to go about it. In general, I am nervous about conducting the interviews but reading the textbook material helped clear up some of my questions. Something I learned more about the 2 different types of interview questions -- closed and open questions. I already knew what they meant, because the definitions are basically common sense, but I learned a lot of tips for conducting the interview surrounding that. I learned not to ask too many of each question and to do some research ahead of time. The second half of the reading talked about the importance of listening, which I just learned about in my communications class. Engaged listening is really important because it shows the person you are talking to you are actually listening, and so you can comprehend what they are saying. For interview purposes, if you don't listen, you will miss important information that is being said. For me, I would say I am a pretty good listener so I will have no problems there. Reading this material overall helped give information and tips on how to conduct an interview, especially if you never have given one before.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hanover Gems

It is clear to me when reading this paper what the author's main focus is on. By conducting interviews that we will have to do for essay 3, we will be able to learn a lot about the history of the site we chose and the background of the people that represent the site. This will help us understand the bigger picture and make connections. The author begins by giving some history about bowling, of which I found to be very fascinating and did not know before. For this part of the essay, research had to be done on bowling itself. The essay then moves onto the interview portion, which is written excellently in a narrative form. It is very easy to follow and very descriptive. The whole time I can picture it in my head like a scene from a movie. The narrative aspect really shines in this authors writing. We gain a lot of information about what the people who go to the bowling alley are like, as the interview gives off such information. The author seemed to succeed in the interview portion, seemingly getting great material from the people she talked to and a lot about their background and personality. The main purpose of this essay is to get an overall picture of your site, and to make connections. The author has a very clear point in her essay - "The people involved with this alley have a family connection with bowling and a history of their own with it that they are sharing with others. Hank and Carol are both passing on their bowling to their children."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Group Presentations

For our group presentations, we are doing a powerpoint on including visuals in documents. We were going to talk about the purpose of using visuals, graphs, and charts in documents, and the uses of each type of visual. We were also going to go through and show how to correctly place visuals in your document. We would show the right and wrong way to do this, and all different things you could do to your visuals once they are placed into your document. We have a good topic for our presentation and we easily broke up the information and work among our group members. I was happy with my group and how everyone works well together.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011